complicated life

30 October, 2006

Is love an obligation?
ofcourse i love you but care?
i do care but is what i have to offer enough?
with so many people demanding the same from you
can u afford to split?
Do u first of all wanto share it with them?
feeling pity? or just cant say no?
is it their fault or yours?
there is a blame game and the other person is in a maze with no exits!

I want to give it someone who longs for someone else...
who may not even exist?
is that fair to the person who wants it from me?
is that fair to myself to give it him?
what is it i am thinking?
being selfless to one and selfish to another...
that i might change one day?
hoping for what? a miracle? (listen to the wisemen!)
what if i dont?
go with assumptions?
without any backup?
do we need backup? presumtuous lot!

love cant be an obligation! but can it work anyway? (no gender issues here) will u be able to compromise? i cant... i wont!!! will u?

1000Rupees for a Chick and a Duck!

Chinese food for 10pounds ... Roasted Duck and shredded Chick!!!
Slap on Yum!!!
i think they would have been popular poultry in India...

Mighty Hope!

27 October, 2006

The fog and the snow
rise and fall for the mighty soul
on knees blackened with soot and coal
strong will and a fearful bow

he will once more stand erect
for every bosom beats his way
earthlings distance is but in your head
and time its measure

failure is inevitable
how the mighty have fallen
history is but the truth of the past
the sun will rise yet again
for hope is never lost.

A Watch dog and A Spin doctor- A profession!

26 October, 2006

A journalist and PR person is moslty seen at loggerheads with each other in the field of media. the crux of his existance is to bring the truth in the light and the competence of a PR practitioner is to give the news which is reputation damaging a spin, sugar coat it if i can put it that way.

These two professions are inter dependent in a way that both the parties do not want to accept a favour status. a journalist calls a PR person when he is dry and needs news. Inside story. And when a PR person needs publicity to project the client organization. Free Publicity.

NOW, the separation of professional outlook did not occur to me up until recently. Yesterday! We had a small debate where i could not persuade him to accept my views and he could not convince me of his. Well this is what "they" say! keep ure friends closer and enemies closer! nOWWWWW Which one would THAT be??? :-)

Heads or Tails

12 October, 2006

HIM: Gets up early and calls the morning beautiful... (barf!) Meticulously smoothens his bed and folds the covers neatly in a particular arrangement(OCD???).
SHE: Coils deep into the bed when the sun shines. Believes that there should be a better way to start a morning rather than having to wake up!(lazy) crumpled bedspread(well, not spread at all) blanket AND bed!

HIM: Drinks(noisily) cold chocolate(baby!)
SHE: Drinks coffee(oh how grown up!!!)

HIM: Gets ready for university half an hour before actual time. Makes breakfast for both. Makes lunch and is already thinking of innovative ideas for dinner! Strolls in for class on time.
SHE: Running to the class, she doesnt have any ideas where it is and thinking... Whats he gonna cook tonight? I am already hungry...

HIM: Chews loudly (on his gum[gham of not being home,with girl,food???]) to stay awake in lecture.
SHE: Snore snore zzzzzzzz.............

HIM: Enthusiastically rushes towards the library and orders for books from other campuses. Goes and collects his camera equipment and figures the mechanisms out.
SHE: Snore zzzzzzzzzzz....... uh huh! What??? HEY i am not in a course where we have any equipment except our brains(rusted? nah! should be in use... RECONSIDERING course!!!)

HIM: Health Conscious(FreAK!!!) ... If not in the gym,pushups in the room. Boy! get down and gimme 20!!! :)
SHE: Ju Jitsu classes(cute cop instructor... drool drool... sigh) various positions to chk him out and workout sessions have begun!!! Kick boxing is Violence(no hots for the instructor and too many ab exercises, CRUNCH!!!)

HIM: I am going to make the university pay me my tuition fee back by renting all the foreign movies and reading all the books from the library, every night... The double life of Veronica(krzysztof kieslowski) Casablanca(girl's choice... macho image not romance!!! wat re u talking abou???)
SHE: WHAAATEVERRRR (Likes the idea but nonchalant!!!:)

HIM: I am feeling sleepy(Clock Strrrrikkkkes 12)
SHE: LetS PartEY!!! But okay u wanna sleep, I will talk something interesting
HIM: Bitch! there goes my sleep
SHE: Giggle Giggle...!!! uh huh! Shashank???
HIM: zzzzzzz....... I wanna call up the . . .(brit accent!!!) ya da ya da ya da...(luckily its not sleep walking!!!)
SHE: Sigh! he is in dreamland already!... (drumming fingers...) SO what do You think he will cook for tommorow???

Jesus Crew

09 October, 2006

So I am jobless. Like really jobless! Not that i have work that is boring so i am jobless. I have classes only two days in the week. Wednesdays and Friday! i could have been doing a parttime course for all i care.
Well I start caring when i am not doing a part time and pssing away time. Money is a horrible constraint on having fun and even a restraining you from doing wat u always wanted to do in Europe- travel!!!
Coming back to the event I am trying to explain: Saturday like any other normal day of the week started out to be uneventful but then susha came and said I have been invited to this Jesus crew meeting. A place where we could meet people. Hmm... Interesting and i was curious to see how these christian meetings wher held. i have been to many bhajan sessions thank you very much!!!
We took off and reached the Marlybone campus in Baker's street. we walked inside to find that it was being held in a "bar" A proper bar!!! you know the warning bells that go off in ure head when u feel danger is staring at ure face? My head was exploding... But anyway we went to the meeting and the first impression was shattered. Pretty good people we met and the event was cool. with food and drinks, a waffle draw where i won a cd!:)

Then came a pastor. he was so young and the delivery of God's word was so powerful that everyone was nearly in tears. I have always felt it in my bones (and this occurs only in some temples and holy places of worship) where u can feel a vibe of prayer! Prayer constitutes itself into God and the presence is felt. Vibrant and positive. the energy is infallible. We came back so light hearted ... I cant argue with the people who have converted into christianity from their own faith because the people are so warm and most importantly the prayer is your own. No mantras and hymns that we dont even understand but repeat it with utmost gusto!

You Know....

02 October, 2006

You know you are old when:

We term the sound that kids make when they use a cacaphony of words as NoisE(before it was just stupid kids making talking loudly)
You start saying that "When i was young the prices were lower than this"
You are listening to ure favorite aartist and kids come and say Rod Stewart WhO???
You cant believe that kids in their second and third grade use swear words and that too in front of their parents(i never did maybe loads in "my generation also did") sigh
If you re sitting inside ure cozy house, snuggled up in ure warm bed and trying to fall asleep after a hard day's work and all u can hear is "bass boom" and wondering when this will ever stop and when il get a night's peaceful sleep
And if u are nodding along while reading this set of crappy lines written five min before dropping dead............... THEN my deaaar You Know what You are!!!

Frankly my dear, FucK oFF!!!
Gone with tha wind......................
Raise your Shoulders and Fall back on your Knees, Piss through a Dime For the Whole World Sees