He, She and the Storm

21 August, 2007

She did not look back as she walked away from him. He had said his goodbye without a drop of tear, a flinch, nothing. This was not a bollywood movie, she thought. If I look back, I am hoping he would at the same time. He will not. If I turn back my hope could get shattered. It is better that I don’t give myself another chance to feel sick in the stomach. He will not turn.

She had met him on one noisy night where her head was fuzzy with excitement. He came like the calm before the storm. She waited for the storm to come. Sunny days enjoyed, murky cloudy days were counted till finish. She waited till she realised that the storm had died down but the eerie calm remained. Memories were piled one on top of another. The calm was forgotten in the very context.

She realised that she was falling into the calmness that resonated within her. It disturbed her as she did not know where the root of the stem lay. She did not want to lose herself to something she did not comprehend. He did not help her understand. If you did not, you did not and it ends then and there. No explanations. She swung back and forth and then disturbance did not bother her. Denial? Seemed like a viable option. But the calmness had no overt cause. The inert cause was not to be seen simmering or an under current. Maybe she was blind. Denial? Seemed like the viable answer.

And then there she was standing with no questions answered, no questions left to answer but one. Will the calm turn around? She shook her head slightly. There was not going to be any outburst whatsoever. Nothing said. Nothing felt. Stupid! She cursed herself, to think like that. He is never going to turn.

He stood there fully facing her back seeing her twitch and shake her head. Waiting for a bollywood movie scene to happen. He stood there waiting as she walked on by…

6 Scribbles:

Pavitra said...

Very touching...I could sense her agony and the futility in it all. The ending was really awesome...

Since the lesson is known...whats the course of action eh? ;)

Anonymous said...

Knew it just knew it!!!
Enjoyed completely...
Every word...
I imagined the girl's dark very brown thick hair as well...
I dont know why but I could only see the colour brown when i read the bit about shaking her hair and walking away...

Anu said...

@Prude: the answer lies in the above
@pricky: predictable nevertheless real life like...

sravan said...

it was time to let go the very moment she started to feel sick in the stomach. thngs don get beter after tat. there is calmness on either side of the storm, numbness rather, and it usually feels gud! tz easy 2 lose love than 2 find it - watz difficult is to find it again.

tz time u try ur hand at full-fledged story-writing.

Prats said...

Well considering it's actually fiction, he's standing and looking at her..one never knows if he is. but i guess there's a lesson to be learnt.
turn around anyway..if he isn't then well..you've already assumed he isnt so u r going thro the pain anyway...but if he has turned around as well, then you'll be glad u turned around. the point is.. at least confirm...dont assume because then there is only pain, if u confirm..at least there is a possibility of gaining joy.

ah hell.. life is a bitch.

crumbs said...

I second ujju.
But then, I hate what ifs
But then, I hate Himesh Reshamia too

Raise your Shoulders and Fall back on your Knees, Piss through a Dime For the Whole World Sees