Best Friends' Weddings

01 September, 2008

Last week vanished like a dream.

A great start for a new beginning.

Memories to be forgotten only to be replaced with new ones of togetherness.

(Made me wonder why I never went back to Chennai earlier)

Two beautiful brides (and ok-ok looking grooms :-) Great guys for my awesome friends.

Opposite ends of the world meet here, part here to different parts of the world.

Imagining Opera House, Coral Reefs, Ground Zero and the Niagara Falls (Obviously sitting on the beach in Nice).

When shall we meet again? (Mouthing a prayer)

Soon, real soon.

2 Scribbles:

Pavitra said...


Beautiful. I don't agree with the memories to be forgotten line...but yes new ones to be made.

Best wishes to them!

Anu said...

na I am just talking about myself. I have a short term memory and save few I dont rem most of the things. :) hence the replacement line :)

HUgs to u and them

Raise your Shoulders and Fall back on your Knees, Piss through a Dime For the Whole World Sees